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7638 appointments found.

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Fabian Freyenhagen has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Essex starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. Current position: Temporary Lecturer at Cambridge University. AOS: Adorno, German Philosophy post Kant.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 4, 2007
Dan Korman has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 4, 2007
Alastair Norcross has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of philosophy, Syracuse University. Current position: Associate Professor at Rice University. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 3, 2007
Lisa Fuller has been appointed as Assistant Professor at State University of New York, Albany starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto. Current position: SSHRC Post-Doc at the University of Sheffield. AOS: Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 2, 2007
Abigail Levin has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Niagara University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto. AOS: Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 2, 2007
Cheryl Cline has been appointed as Post-doctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia (Health and Health Policy Training Program) starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto. AOS: Biomedical Ethics.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: March 2, 2007
Berislav Marusic has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Brandeis University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Action.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 2, 2007
Marshall Abrams has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham starting in 2007. Doctorate: University of Chicago. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 2, 2007
Anna Alexandrova has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri, St. Louis starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego. Current position: Affiliate Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. AOS: Philosophy of science, philosophy of social science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 2, 2007
Eric Sanday has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky starting in 2007. Doctorate: University of Chicago. Current position: Adjunct Professor at Marquette University. AOS: Metaphysics, 17th/18th Century Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 1, 2007
Samuel Scheffler has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at New York University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Princeton University. Current position: Associate Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 28, 2007
Keith Hyams has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Exeter starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford. AOS: Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 28, 2007
Anna Gotlib has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Binghamton University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University. AOS: Practical Ethics and Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 28, 2007
Hilary Greaves has been appointed as Junior Research Fellowship at Rutgers University - New Brunswick starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Philosophy of Physics.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: February 28, 2007
Pauline Kaurin has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Pacific Lutheran University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Temple University. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor at Pacific Lutheran University. AOS: Applied Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 28, 2007
Susan Hahn has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Concordia University, Montréal starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Columbia University. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. AOS: Kant, German Idealism.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 28, 2007
Andrew Cullison has been appointed as Assistant Professor at State University of New York at Fredonia starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor at West Virginia University. AOS: Epistemology, Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 28, 2007
Christopher Martin has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philsophy, Purdue University. AOS: Early Modern.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 27, 2007
Dan Speak has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Loyola Marymount University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California at Riverside. Current position: Associate Professor at Azusa Pacific University. AOS: Metaphysics, Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 26, 2007
Chris Cuomo has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Georgia starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Professor at the University of Cincinnati. AOS: environmental philosophy, feminist philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 25, 2007
Elizabeth Jelinek has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duke University. AOS: Ancient Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 23, 2007
Hannah Phelps has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Pacific Lutheran University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Virginia. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 23, 2007
Stefan Forrester has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Montevallo starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester. AOS: Aesthetics and History of Modern Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 23, 2007
Karen Bennett has been appointed as Associate Professor at Cornell University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Society of Fellows, University of Michigan (system-wide). Current position: Assistant Professor at Princeton University. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 22, 2007
Maura Tumulty has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Colgate University starting in 2007. Doctorate: University of Pittsburgh. Current position: Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2007
Daniel Forbes has been appointed as Assistant Professor at West Chester University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Georgia. AOS: History of Modern Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2007
Gideon Manning has been appointed as Assistant Professor at California Institute of Technology starting in 2007. Doctorate: University of Chicago. Current position: Assistant Professor at William & Mary. AOS: Early Modern.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2007
Timothy Bloser has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Augustana College, IL starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Stanford University. Current position: Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2007
Nicholaos Jones has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama, Huntsville starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Physical Science, Asian Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 21, 2007
Clare Batty has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AOS: Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 21, 2007
Heather Salazar has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Spring Hill College starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California at Santa Barbara. AOS: Ethics, Business Ethics, Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 20, 2007
Daniel Mittag has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Albion College starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester. AOS: Epistemology.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 20, 2007
Dominic Bailey has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Cambridge University. AOS: ancient Greek philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 20, 2007
Joey Baltimore has been appointed as Assistant Professor at West Virginia University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison. AOS: Philosophy of religion.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 20, 2007
Ken Brown has been appointed as Assistant Professor at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California at Irvine. AOS: Early Modern.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 20, 2007
Deborah Mower has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Youngstown State University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison. AOS: Value Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 19, 2007
Clerk Shaw has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis. AOS: Ancient Philosophy, Value Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 19, 2007
Brad Weslake has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Sydney. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, General Philosophy of Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 16, 2007
EJ COffman has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame. AOS: Epistemology, Action.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 16, 2007
Leon Horsten has been appointed as Professor at Bristol starting in 2007. Doctorate: Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven. Current position: Professor at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. AOS: Logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 12, 2007
Jason Raibley has been appointed as Assistant Professor at California State University, Long Beach starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophyy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Current position: Lecturer at California State University. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 12, 2007
Jacqueline Sullivan has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh, HPS. AOS: Philosophy of Neuroscience.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 11, 2007
Cassie Striblen has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Doane College starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati. AOS: Ethics and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 11, 2007
Jason Berntsen has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Xavier University of LA starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri, St. Louis. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 9, 2007
Stephen Dilley has been appointed as Assistant Professor at St. Edward's University starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Arizona State University. AOS: Philosophy of Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 8, 2007
John Divers has been appointed as Chair at the University of Leeds starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Professor at the University of Sheffield. AOS: metaphysics, philosophy of language and logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 30, 2007
Peter Milne has been appointed as Chair at the University of Stirling starting in 2007. Doctorate: Institute of Philosophy, University of London. Current position: Reader in Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. AOS: Logic, Probability Theory.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 16, 2007
Nicholas White has been appointed as Presidential Professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Harvard University. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Irvine. AOS: Ancient Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 7, 2007
Miklos Redei has been appointed as Lecturer at London School of Economics starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. Current position: Professor at Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. AOS: History and Philosophy of Physics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 3, 2007
Richard Manning has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of South Florida starting in 2007. Current position: Associate Professor at Carleton University. AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Language, Mind, Early Modern.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 25, 2006
Robert May has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of California at Davis starting in 2007. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of California at Irvine. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 18, 2006
Muhammad Ali Khalidi has been appointed as Assistant Professor at York University, Canada starting in 2007. Current position: Associate Professor at American University of Beirut. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Mind, Medieval Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: April 5, 2006
Gary Bartlett has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Haverford College starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Philosophy of Consciousness, Functionalist Theories of Consciousness, Mental States and Processes, Testimony, Social Epistemology, Misc.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: September 1, 2022
Zahra Meghani has been appointed as Professor at the University of Rhode Island starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: November 3, 2020
Jonathan Weisberg has been appointed as Professor at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Metaphysics and Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 30, 2019
Jonathan Schaffer has been appointed as Professor at the Australian National Univeristy starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 30, 2019
Henry Pratt has been appointed as Tenured at Marist College starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Aesthetics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 15, 2019
Joshua Smith has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at Ohio State University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Epistemology.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 15, 2019
William J. Melanson has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Puget Sound starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 15, 2019
Scott Anderson has been appointed as Tenured at Capital University Law School starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Philosophy of Language.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Adam Christopher Podlaskowski has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Metaphysics.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: February 15, 2019
Joseph Shay has been appointed as Lecturer at Suffolk University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Devonya Havis has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Virginia Union University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, African/Africana Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Debby Hutchins has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Gonzaga University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Phillip Stambovsky has been appointed as Adjunct Lecturer at Sacred Heart University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, 19th Century Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 15, 2019
John Manoussakis has been appointed as Assistant Professor at College of the Holy Cross starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Alicia Jaramillo has been appointed as Assistant Professor at St. Michael's College, Vermont starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Lawrence Daka, S.J. has been appointed as Assistant Professor at St. Ignatius College, Harare, Zimbabwe starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
David Bollert has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Manhattan College starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Eric Brown has been appointed as Adjunct Lecturer at Central European University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Meta-Ethics, Metaphilosophy, Normative Ethics, Continental Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 14, 2019
Paul Van Rooy has been appointed as Lecturer at Bridgewater State University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Philosophy of Law, History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 23, 2019
Leslie Green has been appointed as Professor at Oxford University (Law) starting in 2006. AOS: Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 3, 2018
Lisa Marie Rasmussen has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte starting in 2006. AOS: Applied Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 2, 2018
Mónica Gómez has been appointed as Professor at National Autonomous University of Mexico starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Henrik Lagerlund has been appointed as Professor at the University of Western Ontario starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University. AOS: Metaphysics, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Alan Love has been appointed as Professor at the University of Minnesota starting in 2006. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, General Philosophy of Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Donovan Miyasaki has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Honors College) starting in 2006. Doctorate: Graduate Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, St. George Campus. AOS: 19th Century Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Critical Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 30, 2018
Sophie Grace Chappell has been appointed at The Open University starting in 2006. Doctorate: School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 12, 2018
Harald Thorsrud has been appointed as Professor at Agnes Scott College starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 10, 2018
Amit Hagar has been appointed as Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia. AOS: Philosophy of Computing and Information, Philosophy of Physical Science, 17th/18th Century Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 10, 2018
Johannes Hafner has been appointed at North Carolina State University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Science, Logic, and Mathematics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: March 9, 2018
Luke Robinson has been appointed as Associate Professor at Southern Methodist University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego. AOS: Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 17, 2018
Ivan Welty has been appointed as Associate Professor at Willamette University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Columbia University. AOS: Early Analytic, Philosophy of Language/Logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 26, 2018
SANTOS CASTRO, Juan has been appointed as Instructor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: July 25, 2017
Bryan Frances has been appointed as Associate Professor (tenued) (2006-2014) at Fordham University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 23, 2017
Roberta Millstein has been appointed as Associate Professor (tenured) (2006-2010) at the University of California, Davis (philosophy) starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Philosophy of science, history and philosophy of biology, environmental ethics, medical ethics, logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 23, 2017
Toben LaFrancois has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor (2006-2007) at St. Olaf College starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Philosophy of biology (especially ecology), philosophy of science.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: June 23, 2017
Jaime Hoffman has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor (2006-2007) at the University of Minnesota, Duluth starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Ethics, bioethics.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: June 22, 2017
Heather Wainwright has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Aesthetics, ethics.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: June 22, 2017
Gregory Schaefer has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor (2006-2008) at Virginia Commonwealth University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Value theory, ethics, aesthetics, history of ethics.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: June 22, 2017
Monica Janzen has been appointed as Lecturer (2006, 2007, 2008) at the University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Ethics, moral and political philosophy, philosophy of education, social justice.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: June 22, 2017
Ramona Ilea has been appointed as Assistant Professor (2006-2012) at Pacific University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Applied ethics, Environmental ethics, Animal ethics, biomedical ethics, normative ethics, feminist philosophy, civic engagement.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 21, 2017
Tomáš Hříbek has been appointed as Researcher/Lecturer (2006-present) at Filosoficky ustav Akademie ved Ceske republic starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of mind, aesthetics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 21, 2017
Tomáš Hříbek has been appointed as Researcher/Lecturer (2006-present) at Academic of Fine Arts, Prague starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Metaphysics and epistemology, philosophy of mind, aesthetics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 21, 2017
Chunghyoung Lee has been appointed as Assistant Professor (2006-2012) at California State University, Fresno starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Philosophy of science (physics and mathematics), logic, metaphysics, decision theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 21, 2017
Jeff Johnson has been appointed as Assistant Professor (2006-2013) at St. Catherine University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Practical ethics, food ethics, Effective Altruism, Asian philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 21, 2017
Cheryl Chen has been appointed as Senior Lecturer on Philosophy at Harvard University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Mind, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: March 26, 2017
Hui-chieh Loy has been appointed as Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Chinese Philosophy, Moral Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: March 26, 2017
Michah Gottlieb has been appointed as Assistant Professor at New York University starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington. AOS: Hebrew and Judaic Studies.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: December 7, 2016
Hilmi Demir has been appointed as Associate Professor at California State University, San Bernardino starting in 2006. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington. AOS: Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, logic and philosophy of information..
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: December 7, 2016