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Philosophy Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty (EXPIRED)

Liberal Arts, Harper College

Job category Faculty (open rank) / Tenure-track or similar
AOS Philosophy
AOC Open
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Palatine, Illinois, United States
Job description

Schedule Information:  The teaching load is 5/5, with additional non-teaching service duties. Summer teaching
is often available.

Weeks per fiscal year:  Faculty are covered under a 9-month contract period (August thru May)

Benefits:  Health, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance; Sick and Holiday pay; Personal Business; Educational Assistance: Tuition Waivers at Harper & Professional Expense

Position Description and Duties: The Philosophy Department at Harper College, a community college located 20 miles northwest of Chicago, seeks a faculty member for a full-time, tenure track position. The department is deeply committed to enriching our diverse communities and inspiring the transformation of individual lives, the workforce, and society. We welcome applications from all individuals whose backgrounds and expertise enable them to contribute to these goals.

The successful candidate will be able to teach a wide variety of introductory philosophy courses to students of diverse backgrounds and varying levels of college readiness using traditional and alternative delivery methods. We encourage interested candidates to familiarize themselves with our course offerings. The successful candidate will have a 5/5 load consisting chiefly of philosophy courses. Faculty members may also teach in the Honors Program, Social Justice Studies Program, and offer interdisciplinary courses (through the college's Learning Communities Program).

In addition to teaching 15 contact hours per semester, a full-time Philosophy faculty member serves on departmental, divisional, and institutional committees; holds six office hours per week (some of which must be on campus); and pursues professional development opportunities related to pedagogy.

We seek a full-time colleague to begin in August, 2024.

Educational Requirements: Master's degree, at least 18 hours of which must be in philosophy. PhD in Philosophy preferred.

Experience Requirements: Teaching experience is required with community college teaching experience preferred.

How to apply
Application type Online
Web address to apply https://jobs.harpercollege.edu/en-us/job/494830/ph...
Hard deadline December 15, 2023, 11:59pm CST
Web address for more information https://jobs.harpercollege.edu/en-us/job/494830/ph...
Time created November 1, 2023, 9:03pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date December 15, 2023, 11:59pm CST
Expired on December 17, 2023, 12:46am CST
Last updated February 16, 2024, 3:00pm UTC
Last update notification
The application deadline should have been December 15, not November 15.
November 22, 2023, 8:45pm UTC

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