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Postdoctoral Fellow (EXPIRED)

Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University

Job category Postdoc or similar / Fixed term
AOS Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception
AOS categories Metaphysics and Epistemology
Philosophy of Science
AOC Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception
AOC categories Metaphysics and Epistemology
Philosophy of Science
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Kraków, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Start date June 1st, 2024
Job description

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow

Employment duration: 36 months
Project title: Ontology of multisensory unification

The Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University will hire a postdoctoral researcher to work with prof. Błażej Skrzypulec on the interdisciplinary research project ‘Ontology of multisensory unification’ funded by the National Science Centre, Poland.

The aim of the project is to analyze, from the perspective of empirically informed philosophy of perception and with use of ontological notions, the structural aspects of perceptual experiences. The structural aspects of experiences are understood as those which (a) concern elements which are invariant despite changes in presented entities, like the shape of a visual field which remains the same no matter what is seen, and (b) concern principles according to which presented entities are experientially organized, for instance the way perceptual wholes are composed of simpler elements and the rules of perceptual synchronic and diachronic individuation.

In particular, the goal of the project is to analyze the perceptual structures related to various sensory modalities and investigate the ways in which unimodal perceptual structures are combined in multimodal experiences. The questions asked within the project concern the spatiotemporal structures of multimodal experiences (e.g., what is the topological structure of visuo-tactile space), the compositional structures that organize contents of perceptual experiences (e.g., what is the visual or olfactory mereology), and the ways in which perceptual modalities present synchronic and diachronic sameness (e.g., whether vision presents entities as enduring while audition presents entities as perduring).

See this link for the detailed description of the project: 

See here for works demonstrating how the Principal Investigator approaches problems in the philosophy of perception:

Salary per year: app. 107 000 PLN with tax

Eligibility criteria

- A doctoral degree should be obtained not earlier than 2017 [1];
- The candidate cannot be a person who has been employed at the Jagiellonian University on the basis of an employment contract in the course of the last two years before the employment within the project.
- The principal investigator in the project has not been research supervisor/auxiliary research supervisor of the candidate's doctorate.
- The candidate's PhD degree has not been awarded by the institution planned to employ them at this post.
- In the period of remuneration within the project, the post-doc must not receive other remuneration from the funds granted within the scope of direct costs in research projects financed in NCN programs.
- In the period of remuneration within the project, the post-doc must not be employed by another employer on the basis of an employment contract, including by an employer with the seat outside Poland.
[1] This period does not include breaks caused by maternity leave, leave under the conditions of maternity leave, paternal leave, parental leave granted in accordance with the principles stipulated in the provisions of the labour law, or breaks during which sickness benefit or rehabilitation benefit in connection with inability to work, including inability to work as a consequence of an illness necessitating therapeutic rehabilitation, were received. For women, the indicated seven-year period may be extended by 18 months for each natural or adopted child.

How to apply
Application type Email
Please send the following documents to [email protected]: (1) curriculum vitae, (2) description of how the candidate would like to contribute to the research project (e.g., an idea for a paper or a description of an interesting issue worth investigating related to the project's topic), (3) copy of the doctoral diploma.
Email to apply
Hard deadline February 1, 2024, 11:59pm CET
Web address for more information https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/155564
Contact name Prof. Błażej Skrzypulec
Contact email
Time created November 2, 2023, 8:52pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date February 1, 2024, 11:59pm CET
Expired on February 3, 2024, 12:46am CET
Last updated April 3, 2024, 3:00pm UTC
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