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Open Call for Series Editors for Everyday Lifestyle and Ethical Issues in Public Philosophy Series (EXPIRED)

APA Blog, American Philosophical Association

Job category Other (non-academic) / Fixed term
AOS Open
AOC Open
Workload Part time
Vacancies 2
Location Remote work
Organization based in Newrark, Delaware, United States
Job description

Workload: Part time

Vacancies: 2+

Location: Remote work

Job description:

The APA Blog is looking for volunteer, remote Series Editors for its Everyday Lifestyle and Ethical Issues in Public Philosophy Series. We are also open to volunteers who would like to pitch their own series ideas for the Public Philosophy beat. Editors may volunteer for either a long-term series (at least one post per month with a minimum time commitment of one year) or short-term series (minimum of six posts within a six-month period).

Please see below for more information on each beat and open series editorships. 

Series editors are responsible for: 

  • Soliciting posts from the philosophical community

  • Managing communication with potential contributors

  • Submitting posts to the managing editor through WordPress

  • Moderating comments on their posts

Series editors must be members of the APA in good standing and will be provided training by the Blog of the APA. Benefits of being a series editor include:

  • Building your professional network

  • Getting to explore topics related to your philosophical interests & deepen your awareness of the research landscape

  • Gaining professional experience in copyediting, project management, and web content management systems

Information on the Series:

Everyday Lifestyle Series This series offers a professional exploration of how philosophy intersects with the routine aspects of our lives. With articles on topics such as food, vacation, and hobbies, it aims to shed light on the underlying philosophical considerations inherent in everyday activities, providing a nuanced perspective on the ordinary. 

Ethical Dilemmas in Philosophy Series offers an insightful and philosophical examination of contemporary ethical dilemmas with the goal of reflecting on what philosophy can do to help us understand the moral complexities of our present. Recent articles have explored trans issues, artificial intelligence, and science fiction.


If you are interested in being considered for an open editorship or would like to pitch a new series, please send an email briefly explaining your qualifications and interest in the role to Matt Clemons at [email protected] with the subject line “Series Editor Application: [title of series].” 

Applications are due Friday, March 15th. 

How to apply
Application type Email
Email to apply
Hard deadline March 15, 2024, 11:59pm EST
Contact name Matt Clemons
Contact email
Time created February 12, 2024, 8:33pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date March 15, 2024, 11:59pm EST
Expired on March 17, 2024, 12:46am EST
Last updated May 17, 2024, 3:00pm UTC
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