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Professor (W3) of Practical Philosophy with an emphasis on Political and Legal Philosophy (EXPIRED)

Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and History, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Job category Senior faculty / Tenured, continuing or permanent
AOS with an emphasis on Political and Legal Philosophy
AOC Open
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Start date 02.04.2024
Job description

Goethe University Frankfurt am Main invites applications for the position of

Professor (W3) of Practical Philosophy with an emphasis on Political and Legal Philosophy

in the Institute of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and History. This civil servant or public employee positionwill start as soon as possible.

We are looking for a candidate with an excellent and internationally visible research record. The successfulcandidate is expected to cover the field of Practical Philosophy in teaching as well as to engage atively in intitiatingand participating in third-party funded projects. In particular, participation in the research initiative ConTrust will bewelcome (for further information see https://contrust.uni-frankfurt.de/). The Institute of Philosophy aims to reorganiseits personnel structure and invites the successful candidate to take part in the process.

Candidates are required to have a doctorate in philosophy and a research output equivalent to a German habilitation(usually a second monograph after the PhD-thesis).

The formal hiring requirements are defined in sections 67, and 68 of the Hessian Higher Education Act (HessischesHochschulgesetz).

Goethe University is an equal opportunity employer, committed to diversity and inclusion. In particular, we arewelcoming applications by qualified women, and people with a migrant background. At Goethe University, a specialemphasis is placed on creating and sustaining a family-friendly work and research environment. Where applicantsare otherwise equally qualified, preference is given to candidates with disabilities or equivalent. The same applies towomen in fields in which they are under-represented.

To apply, please send a CV, a list of publications, an overview of your research and teaching activities as well astranscripts and a selection of recent course evaluations online at https://berufungsportal.uni-frankfurt.de/ by April 30, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Alexandra Zinke at [email protected]. Further information about the appointment process, the legal framework and data protection: www.professorship-vacancies.uni-frankfurt.de.

How to apply
Application type Online
Web address to apply https://berufungsportal.uni-frankfurt.de/
Email to apply
Hard deadline April 30, 2024, 11:59pm CET
Web address for more information http://www.professorship-vacancies.uni-frankfurt.d...
Contact name Prof. Dr. Alexandra Zinke
Contact email
Contact phone 069/798-32758
Time created April 2, 2024, 5:29pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date April 30, 2024, 11:59pm CET
Expired on May 2, 2024, 12:46am CET
Last updated July 1, 2024, 3:00pm UTC
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