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Associate Professor (EXPIRED)

Division for Philosophy and Applied Ethics, Linköping University, Sweden.

Job category Junior faculty / Tenured, continuing or permanent
AOS Philosophy of Technology
AOS categories Philosophy of Computing
Philosophy of Physics
Philosophy of Science
Applied Ethics
AOC Philosophy of science; Ethics of Science
AOC categories Philosophy of Physics
Philosophy of Science
Applied Ethics
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Organization's reference number Ref LiU-2024-04501
Location Campus Valla, Linköping, Sweden
Job description

As Senior Lecturer in Philosophy with a specialization in Philosophy of Technology, you will teach at undergraduate and graduate level and supervise students. Teaching will primarily take place on programs and courses in ethics, philosophy of technology, philosophy of science and applied ethics. Teaching will be in both Swedish and English with students from humanities, social sciences and technical education.

As a senior lecturer specializing in the philosophy of technology, you are also expected to contribute to the research environment in Philosophy and Applied Ethics. For example, you will contribute through research in areas relevant to the philosophy of technology, such as AI philosophy, phenomenology, philosophy of science and ethics of science. As participation in the research group's activities and programs is an important part, the holder of the position is expected to conduct the majority of their research and teaching on site in Linköping.

You are active in the research community, participate in the division's activities such as seminars and workshops, participate in research projects, communicate results through academic publications and help attract external research funding.


We are looking for a candidate who has received a doctoral degree or has equivalent academic expertise, and has demonstrated pedagogical expertise or other professional skills that are of significance with consideration for the subject and duties relevant to the appointment and duties.

For this employment equal weight will be given to scientific and teaching skills

In terms of pedagogical expertise, the following will be assessed:

  • Proven teaching skills in one or more of the following areas: philosophy of technology, philosophy of science and applied ethics.
  • Particularly meritorious is documented skill in planning, implementing and examining teaching in interdisciplinary contexts.
  • A merit is documented competence in teaching ethics.
  • Documented supervision of independent work at different levels in philosophy is a merit for the position.

In terms of academic expertise, the following will be assessed:

  • Documented scientific expertise in the philosophy of technology, philosophy of science or applied ethics is a requirement for the position.
  • Documented scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and/or internationally recognized publishers are particularly meritorious for the position.
  • A proven ability to obtain research funding is an advantage for the position.
  • Documented ability to work internationally is a merit for the position.

Other skills that will be assessed are:

A merit for the position is documented skill in collaboration in education and research regarding the philosophy of technology. This can be in the form of collaboration and communication with the public about the roles that research in the philosophy of technology can play in society, but also collaboration with companies or organizations regarding education and further education.

As teaching and research are conducted in both English and Swedish, you must be able to demonstrate the ability to teach and conduct research in English and it is desirable that you can teach and conduct research in Swedish within two years.

The workplace

Please read more about the Department of Culture and Societyand The Division for Philosophy and Applied Ethics.

The employment

This employment is permanent, full-time. Starting date by agreement.

How to apply
Application type Online
Web address to apply https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies/25483
Hard deadline January 15, 2025, 11:59pm CET
Web address for more information https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies/25483
Contact name Martin Berzell
Contact email
Time created October 22, 2024, 9:50pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date January 15, 2025, 11:59pm CET
Expired on January 17, 2025, 12:46am CET
Last updated February 16, 2025, 3:00pm UTC
Last update notification
The deadline has been moved to January 15, 2025.
December 9, 2024, 5:38am UTC

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