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Post-doctoral Researcher (3 year position)

Institut of Philosophy, University of Vienna

Job category Postdoc or similar / Fixed term
AOS Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind and Psychology, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics
AOS categories Metaphysics
Metaphysics and Epistemology
Philosophy of Science
Biomedical Ethics
Environmental Philosophy
Feminist Philosophy
Normative Ethics
AOC Open
Workload Full time
Vacancies 2
Location Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Start date 1 October 2025
Job description

This position is based at the University of Vienna as part of the recently awarded FWF Cluster of Excellence research project, Knowledge in Crisis.

This is a collaboration between four institutions (CEU and the universities of Vienna, Graz and Salzburg) to explore fundamental philosophical questions about the nature of knowledge and its construction and consumption. The Cluster is structured in six research groups: Knowledge, Mind, Ethics, Language, Society, Science.

More details may be found here: https://www.knowledgeincrisis.com 

The University of Vienna hosts the Training Unit of the Cluster, whose director is Professor Paulina Sliwa.

The University of Vienna invites applications for two postdoctoral research fellows to work on some of the philosophical themes (broadly construed) covered by the project. The postdoctoral fellow will join our team of six already appointed postdocs and four PhD students. We welcome applications from philosophers working in one or more of the following areas: 

  • Epistemology 

  • Philosophy of Mind and Psychology 

  • Philosophy of Language

  • Metaphysics
  • Philosophy of Science 

  • Social and Political Philosophy 

  • Ethics 

The candidate's research should have relevance to the themes of the Cluster. Our final appointment decision will depend on the suitability and quality of the applicant. 

Duties and Responsibilites 

  • Conduct independent research in one or more of the areas listed above, in the context of the project 

  • Disseminate your research through publications in international peer-reviewed academic journals 

  • Actively participate in the regular meetings and events of the Cluster of Excellence 

  • Contribute to Cluster activities by organizing Cluster events (e.g., workshops, seminars, talks, summer schools) 

  • Participate in outreach activities of the Cluster, and contribute to events aimed at the general public 

  • Help with organizational tasks that are needed in the Cluster from time to time 


  • A PhD in philosophy (ideally the PhD should habe been submitted by the deadline. We will consider ABD applicants, as long as they show that they will have been awarded a PhD by 1. August 2025)

  • Excellent publications (relative to career stage)
  • Excellent written and spoken English 

  • The ability to work both independently and as part of a team 

  • Willingness to take on a formative role in fostering a community across the Cluster 

  • Willingness to take part in public outreach events (in English or German or both) 

  • Organizational skills 

While there are no teaching duties associated with these positions there may be opportunities to teach courses (in English or German) at the University of Vienna for extra remuneration.

Each Postdoc will receive a small annual research allowance to help them with travel to conferences, etc.

The contract will be a 2 year contract, extendable for another year. (3 years in total.)

The gross salary for this position is 4.932,90 Euro/month. You can check the expected net salary here:  https://bruttonetto.arbeiterkammer.at/

How to apply
Application type Email
Applicants should email [email protected] with the following attachments: 1. A comprehensive CV, including: · a list of publications, if any; and · the names and contact details of three referees. Please name the file ‟<Your name> CV”; e.g., ‟Julia Gonzalez CV” 2. Two article-length writing samples. Please name the file ‟<Your name> <WS1 (or 2)> e.g., ‟Julia Gonzalez WS1” 3. A (2-3 page) cover letter describing the applicant’s research interests and their interest in being part of the project. Please name the file ‟<Your name> cover letter”; e.g., ‟Julia Gonzalez cover letter”. We will contact referees after the longlisting stage. We intend to hold Zoom interviews for this position on May 16 and May 23rd.
Web address to apply https://www.knowledgeincrisis.com/
Email to apply
Hard deadline Tomorrow, 11:59pm CET
Web address for more information https://www.knowledgeincrisis.com/
Contact name Paulina Sliwa
Contact email
Time created February 14, 2025, 10:26pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date Tomorrow, 11:59pm CET
Last updated February 17, 2025, 8:29am UTC
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