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7638 appointments found.

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Larry Sanger has been appointed as Chief Information Officer at Everipedia.org starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: February 18, 2019
Sarah Pessin has been appointed as Tenured at the University of Denver starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 18, 2019
David Eng has been appointed as Senior Analyst at The Treasury starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: February 18, 2019
Roy Cook has been appointed as Tenured at the University of Minnesota starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Philosophy of Mathematics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 18, 2019
Alfred Lent has been appointed as Senior Lecturer at Ohio University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 18, 2019
Lee Franklin has been appointed as Tenured at Franklin and Marshall College starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
William J. Melanson has been appointed as Tenured at the University of Nebraska, Omaha starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Neal Leavitt has been appointed as Lecturer at Boston University (College of General Studies) starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 15, 2019
Sarah Harper has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Normative Ethics, Meta-Ethics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 14, 2019
Eric Winsberg has been appointed as Professor at the University of South Florida starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medecine, Indiana University, Bloomington. AOS: Social Epistemology, Theories and Models, Scientific Realism, Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Astrophysics, Philosophy of Earth Sciences, Complex Systems, Misc, Chaos, Truth.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 16, 2018
Corijn Van Mazijk has been appointed at the University of Groningen starting in 2001. Doctorate: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen. AOS: Phenomenology and Consciousness, 20th Century Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 10, 2018
Monika Piotrowska has been appointed as Assistant Professor at State University of New York, Albany starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Utah. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Bioethics, Philosophy of Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 8, 2018
Jason Springs has been appointed at the University of Notre Dame starting in 2001. Doctorate: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, 20th Century Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 7, 2018
Gemma Coleman has been appointed at Keele University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 7, 2018
Lulu Flitton has been appointed at Keele University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 7, 2018
Andrew Dobson has been appointed at Keele University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 7, 2018
Dirk Hennrich has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Universidade de Lisboa starting in 2001.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: June 7, 2018
Geoffrey Pfeifer has been appointed as Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Worcester Polytechnic Institute starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of South Florida. AOS: Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Social and Political.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 6, 2018
Klaus Feldmann has been appointed at Universität Hannover (Institut Für Soziologie) starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 5, 2018
Stanely Bernard Klein has been appointed at the University of California at Santa Barbara starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 5, 2018
Geoff Durden has been appointed at La Trobe University (Marketing) starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 4, 2018
Jeffrey Flynn has been appointed as Associate Professor at Fordham University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 4, 2018
Fernando Julio Silva has been appointed at Universidade de Lisboa starting in 2001. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 4, 2018
Brian Treanor has been appointed as Professor at Loyola Marymount University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Continental Philosophy, Environmental Ethics, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Existentialism.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 3, 2018
Scott Borchers has been appointed at Vanderbilt University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 3, 2018
Scott Zeman has been appointed at Vanderbilt University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Vanderbilt University. AOS: 20th Century Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of the Americas, European Philosophy, Aesthetics, 17th/18th Century Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 3, 2018
Lisa Guenther has been appointed at Vanderbilt University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 3, 2018
William Franke has been appointed as Professor at Vanderbilt University starting in 2001.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 3, 2018
Byron Williston has been appointed as Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University starting in 2001. AOS: Applied Ethics, 17th/18th Century Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 2, 2018
Iain Macdonald has been appointed as Professor at UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL starting in 2001. AOS: Continental Philosophy, European Philosophy, German Philosophy, French Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, Aesthetics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 1, 2018
Colette Jung has been appointed as Adjunct Faculty at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Judith Kay has been appointed at the University of Puget Sound (Religious Studies) starting in 2001. AOS: Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
D. Hands has been appointed at the University of Puget Sound (Economics) starting in 2001. AOS: Philosophy of Social Science, 20th Century Philosophy, General Philosophy of Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Abeeshan Sridharan has been appointed at Harvard University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Jialing Pan has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Julie Torres has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Lataja Taja has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Anita Robinson has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Peter Paul has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Candice Mooneyham has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Lynne Johnson has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Debbie Jagtiani has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Bertha M. Hill has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Liz Henderson has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Penny Hayes has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Dessira Caldwell has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Peter Austin has been appointed at Ashford University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
David Blacker has been appointed as Professor at the University of Delaware starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 1, 2018
Harry Williams has been appointed at Carleton College starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Vasiliki Nassiopoulou has been appointed at the University of Leeds starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Gabrielle D. V. White has been appointed at the University of Leeds starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Chloe Roberts has been appointed at the University of Leeds starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Ross Cameron has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Leeds starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of St. Andrews. AOS: Metaphysics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Segun Ade has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Morgen Anderson has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Stefano Caddeo has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Rafael Crespo Molina has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Carlo Cucinotta has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Sarah Findlay-Trott has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Holly Marney has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Lloyd Ridgeon has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Petar Zahariev has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001. Doctorate: University of Chicago. AOS: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Emi Riiko has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Jonathan Murphy has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Kirsty Mcmillan has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Andrew Mcilwraith has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Ying Liu has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Richard King has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Cambridge University. AOS: Ancient.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: June 1, 2018
Bill Justin has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Ramona Fotiade has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Tony J. Clarke has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 1, 2018
Catherine Emily Van Olden has been appointed at the University of Glasgow starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: June 1, 2018
M. V. Dougherty has been appointed at Ohio Dominican University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Ohio Dominican University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Phyllis Giamalva has been appointed at Centenary College of Louisiana starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Laurence Goldstein has been appointed at the University of Kent starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of St. Andrews. AOS: Philosophy of Language, 20th Century Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Logic.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Barbara Regenspan has been appointed at Colgate University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: June 1, 2018
Geo Pollack has been appointed at Drew University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Harvard University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: May 31, 2018
Steven Grace has been appointed at San Diego State University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Matthew Davis has been appointed at San Diego State University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Sandra A. Wawrytko has been appointed as Professor at San Diego State University starting in 2001. AOS: Epistemology, Aesthetics, Asian Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Robert Francescotti has been appointed as Professor at San Diego State University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of philosophy, Syracuse University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Muhammad Irfan has been appointed at Queen's University, Belfast starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Lutz Fricke has been appointed at Queen's University, Belfast starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Gavin Kerr has been appointed at Queen's University, Belfast starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: May 31, 2018
Laurence Carlin has been appointed as Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rice University. AOS: 17th/18th Century Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Savanna Suy has been appointed at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Joshua Miller has been appointed at Franciscan University of Steubenville starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Lucas Introna has been appointed at Lancaster University (Management) starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Pretoria. AOS: Philosophy of Computing and Information, Normative Ethics, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Garrath Williams has been appointed as Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Manchester. AOS: 17th/18th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, European Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Meta-Ethics, Continental Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Stephen Wilkinson has been appointed as Professor at Lancaster University starting in 2001. AOS: Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Alejandro Miranda has been appointed at the University of the Andes starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Jose Ramon Ayesteran Mujica has been appointed at the University of the Andes starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Jg Or has been appointed at the University of the Andes starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: May 31, 2018
George Hilding Rudebusch has been appointed as Professor at Northern Arizona University starting in 2001. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison. AOS: Socrates, Plato: Metaphysics, Plato: Epistemology, Plato: Philosophy of Language, Plato: Ethics, Plato: Why Dialogues?, Plato: Socratic Irony, Plato: Elenchos, Plato: Collection and Division, Aristotle: Pleasure, Aristotle: Happiness.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
John David Brewer has been appointed at Queen's University, Belfast (School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work) starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Mar Cabezas has been appointed at the University of Salzburg starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: May 31, 2018
Ekaterina Sokolova has been appointed at the University of Salzburg starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Florian Ober has been appointed at the University of Salzburg starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Sylvia Caba has been appointed at the University of Salzburg starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018
Igor Larionov has been appointed at St. Petersburg University starting in 2001.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: May 31, 2018