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82 active listings

Job seekers should be aware that ads for institutions and positions that do not comply with the APA's non-discrimination policy are not posted on PhilJobs: Jobs for Philosophers.

PhilJobs: Jobs for Philosophers is an international project supported by the following institutions:
the American Philosophical Association Western University the Institute of Philosophy the Australian National University the PhilPapers Foundation
Female philosopher specialized in Normative Ethics or Metaethics (Tenured, continuing or permanent)
AOS: Normative Ethics or Metaethics
AOC: Open
Deadline Posted How to apply
Oct 31, 23:59pm CLST
Jul 23 email
Professor (open rank) (Contract type open)
AOS: Philosophy and Blockchain
AOC: Philosophy and Blockchain
Deadline Posted How to apply
Aug 4, 23:59pm CET
Jul 8 online