Postdocs and other limited-term teaching and research jobs
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Your search found 65 ads.
13089 jobs in database
284 active jobs in 224 active listings Job seekers should be aware that ads for institutions and positions that do not comply with the APA's non-discrimination policy are not posted on PhilJobs: Jobs for Philosophers. |
Elcan Jefferson Scholars Foundation Distinguished Professorship in Artificial Intelligence
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Dean's Postdoctoral Scholar
(Fixed term)
AOS: Political Philosophy
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral fellowship associated
(Fixed term)
AOS: 19th/20th Century Philosophy
AOC: 19th/20th Century Philosophy
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Social Epistemology or related fields
AOC: Philosophy of race or of feminism
PRODiG+ Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social and Political Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Social and Political Philosophy
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral researcher
(Fixed term)
AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, and/or Epistemology
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: AI welfare, philosophy of mind, normative ethics, philosophy of AI
AOC: Open
Instructional Faculty - Philosophy
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Environmental, Commerce, Political, Economics
AOC: Environmental, Commerce, Political, Economics
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral position in social philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas, Aarhus University
(Fixed term)
AOS: social philosophy,
AOC: social philosophy
Post Doctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
PRÉCIS Postdoctoral Research Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy or Religion
AOC: Philosophy or Religion
Post-doctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: we particularly interested in scholars working at the intersection of computer science, and one of philosophy or law, who can contribute to one or more of the IDS Research Themes. Candidate should have a PhD in Computer Science, Statistics, Philosophy, or a related field
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Biology
AOC: Open
Junior Faculty Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics
AOC: Ethics
Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Philosophy of science and technology (especially big data, AI), Applied Ethics, Comparative philosophy/religion of East and West, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology
AOC: Philosophy of science, Comparative philosophy, Contemporary continental/analytic philosophy
Mudd Center for Ethics Postdoctoral Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics
AOC: Open
Lecturer of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open but Ethics, Applied Ethics, and Philosophy of Law preferred
AOC: Open but those with AOC in Ethics and Philosophy of Law are preferred
Tenure-track assistant professor, or tenured associate or full professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Ancient Philosophy and/or Islamic Philosophy
AOC: Ancient Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy
Assistant Lecturer in the School of Humanities (Philosophy)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Bertrand Russell Visiting Professorship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Bertrand Russell and early analytic philosophy
AOC: Bertrand Russell and early analytic philosophy
Clinical Ethics Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Clinical Ethics
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1-Year Term (Start Fall 2025)
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
AOC: History of Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Lecturer of Social, Political, and/or Legal Philosophy (Non-Tenure Track)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Applied Ethics
Visiting Position in Jewish Studies
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Resident Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics
AOC: Ethics
Mellon Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Philosophy of AI
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Symbolic Logic and History of Modern Western Philosophy
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Researcher in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy
AOC: Chinese Buddhist Philosophy
Residential Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Perry World House Lightning Scholar
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception
AOC: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception, Analytic Metaphysics/Ontology
Term Assistant Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Science, Bioethics
AOC: Open
Faculty Position in Philosophy
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Educator
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Applied Ethics
Clinical Lecturer
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Race, Humanities
AOC: Moral Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: History of Western Philosophy and introductory-level Applied Ethics
Open Rank Tenure Track Faculty Position in Business Ethics
(Contract type open)
AOS: Business Ethics
AOC: Business Ethics
Post-Doctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: PPE (esp. formal modeling and/or experimental philosophy)
AOC: PPE (esp. formal modeling and/or experimental philosophy)
Assistant Professor, Clinician Educator Track, CHOP
(Fixed term)
AOS: Racial and intersectional microaggression prevention programming, race-based bullying, the impact of race-ethnicity based biases on children's development, and community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches to intervention development.
AOC: Open
Findlay Visiting Professorship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Global Fellows in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
PPE Postdocoral Researcher
(Fixed term)
AOS: political philosophy, philosophy of social science
AOC: Open
Assistant or Associate Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: philosophy of race, Africana philosophy, Black feminist thought, social/political philosophy, and/or related areas
AOC: Open
Assistant / Associate Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Philosophical issues concerning race and/or gender broadly construed or philosophical thought engaging African, Asian, or Middle Eastern traditions.
AOC: Open
Visiting Instructional Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Faculty Chair (Humanities)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Instructor in the Linde Center for Science, Society, and Policy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy
AOC: Open
Instructional Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Bersoff Faculty Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Philosophy/ Ethics
AOC: Open
Teaching Assistant Professor*
(Fixed term)
AOS: History and Philosophy of Science
AOC: History and Philosophy of Science
Visiting Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Chinese political philosophy and philosophy of wellbeing
AOC: Chinese political philosophy and philosophy of wellbeing
Philosopher in Residence
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Faculty Position in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: social philosophy, value theory, and/or epistemology
AOC: social philosophy, value theory, and/or epistemology
Lecturer in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy of Neuroscience
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Neuroscience or closely related area of Philosophy of Science
AOC: Philosophy of Neuroscience
Visiting Associate Instructor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics, Bioethics, and Introduction to Medical Humanities
AOC: Open
Visiting Associate Instructor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Bioethics
AOC: Open