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Assistant Professor of Philosophy (EXPIRED)

Political Science & Philosophy, Weber State University

Job category Junior faculty / Tenure-track or similar
AOS History of ancient or early modern philosophy
AOS categories Early Modern Philosophy
History of Philosophy
AOC History of ancient or early modern philosophy
AOC categories Early Modern Philosophy
History of Philosophy
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Organization's reference number F00085P
Location Ogden, Utah, United States
Start date 07/01/2020
Job description

Weber State University, Ogden UT.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 4/4 teaching load. AOS: history of ancient or early modern philosophy. AOC: applicant must be able to teach both history of ancient and early modern at the advanced undergraduate level, plus other areas that supplement our existing offerings.

How to apply
Application type Online
To apply, please complete the online application and attach your cv, writing sample, teaching portfolio, and a formal letter of application that discusses your research interests and teaching experience. Applicants should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by the authors to: Philosophy Search, Weber State University, Dept. of Political Science and Philosophy, 1299 Edvalson St., Dept. 1203, Ogden UT 84408-1203. Letters can also be sent electronically to Dr. Robert Fudge, chair of the search committee, at [email protected]. Review of applications begins November 15, 2019. Position open until filled. Criminal background check required as a condition of employment.
Web address to apply https://jobs.weber.edu/
Deadline for full consideration: November 15, 2019, 6:59pm MST

(applications under review)

Hard deadline November 16, 2019, 6:59pm MST
Web address for more information https://www.weber.edu/
Time created September 19, 2019, 10:28am UTC
Scheduled expiry date November 16, 2019, 6:59pm MST
Expired on November 17, 2019, 7:46pm MST
Last updated January 18, 2020, 3:00pm UTC
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Job Market Calendar This institution has confirmed that the position advertised will follow the APA's recommended job market calendar.