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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Justice (EXPIRED)

Social Justice Centre, Concordia University

Job category Postdoc or similar / Fixed term
AOS Open, within the purview of social justice scholarship
AOC Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Law, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Race
AOC categories Philosophy of Social Science
Applied Ethics
Environmental Philosophy
Feminist Philosophy
Normative Ethics
Philosophy of Gender
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Race
Social and Political Philosophy
Value Theory
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Start date Fall, 2020
Job description

POSITION: This is a 1-year research postdoc at the newly founded Concordia Social Justice Centre (downtown campus). We accept applications by candidates with a PhD in hand, or expected, who would like to carry out a research project on a topic in social justice. (PhD must be conferred before the start date of the appointment.) The PhD can be in philosophy or another discipline in the humanities or social sciences relevant to the position.

TASKS: Your primary responsibility will be to carry out your own research project, which has to be on a topic in social justice. Additionally, you should give a presentation on this research during the year, participate in all activities of the centre and organise one event. There is no teaching associated with this position.

TO APPLY: Documents should be emailed to [email protected]. Please submit a SINGLE, BOOKMARKED PDF, which includes all the documents listed below, in the order in which they are listed.

  1. Academic CV.
  2. Cover letter (1 page).
  3. Research Proposal (2 Pages). Description of a specific research project which you will undertake during the fellowship year. This project must be on a topic in social justice.
  4. One writing sample.

In addition, please arrange for two letters of recommendation to be submitted on your behalf. These letters should focus on your research. They should be emailed by the referee or via a dossier service to the same address as your documents ([email protected]).

THE CENTRE: In 2019, Concordia University launched a new, interdisciplinary centre for social justice research. The centre is hosted in the philosophy department and co-directed by Pablo Gilabert and Katharina Nieswandt. The main events in the 2019-20 academic year included a series of academic talks, multiple-day academic workshops, and events addressed to the general public. In addition to the postdoc, the centre funds graduate students.

GENERAL: Applicants should have fluent oral and written communication skills in English; knowledge of French is not required. Concordia University is committed to employment equity; we welcome applications from underrepresented groups, such as women, visible minorities, Indigenous persons and persons with disabilities. We acknowledge that Concordia University is located on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognised as the custodians of the lands and waters on which Concordia is built.

How to apply
Application type Email
SUBMISSION: Documents should be emailed to [email protected] (1) Please submit a SINGLE, BOOKMARKED PDF. (2) Please include the documents listed below, in the order in which these are listed. DOCUMENTS: (I) Academic CV. (II) Cover letter (1 page). (III) Description of your research project for the fellowship year (2 pages). This project must be on a topic in social justice. (IV) One writing sample. REFERENCES: In addition, please arrange for (V) two letters of recommendation to be submitted on your behalf. These letters should focus on your research. They should be emailed by the referee or via a dossier service to the same address as your documents ([email protected]).
Email to apply
Hard deadline January 5, 2020, 6:59pm EST
Web address for more information http://concordia.ca/socialjustice
Contact name Travis LaCroix
Contact email
Time created October 29, 2019, 12:23pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date January 5, 2020, 6:59pm EST
Expired on January 6, 2020, 7:46pm EST
Last updated March 8, 2020, 3:00pm UTC
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Job Market Calendar This institution has confirmed that the position advertised will follow the APA's recommended job market calendar.