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Tenure Track Position in Philosophy (EXPIRED)

Department of Philosophy, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Job category Faculty (open rank) / Tenure-track or similar
AOS Open
AOC Open
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Be'er Sheva, Israel
Start date October 2024
Job description

The Department of Philosophy at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Be’er Sheva, Israel, seeks to appoint an outstanding philosopher to a tenure-track position, beginning October 2024.

The Department welcomes applications from candidates in all specializations and competencies but has particular research and teaching needs in Early Modern Philosophy.  We therefore especially welcome applications from outstanding candidates working in the history of philosophy from the 16th through the early 18th century

Positions at Ben-Gurion University traditionally begin at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer rank, but this call for applications is also open to candidates of more senior rank.

The Department of Philosophy at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev sets the highest value on excellence in both teaching and research. We are a relatively small department, and all our members play an active role in administrative work and are expected to contribute to University governance. Faculty Members are expected to compete for external research funding, in which our Department has an excellent record.

Job responsibilities include teaching required and elective courses in the candidate’s area of specialization at both the B.A. and M.A. levels and general introductory courses in philosophy as well. Members are also expected to advise and mentor our undergraduate and graduate students at the M.A. and Ph.D. levels.

Qualifications: The language of instruction and departmental and university governance is Hebrew. Accordingly, candidates will be expected to be capable of teaching and working in Hebrew.

The position is open to all candidates who hold a Ph.D. in philosophy. Candidates must have a Ph.D  degree in hand by the application date.

For further details about the position, please contact the Department Chair, Andy German ([email protected]). Please address administrative queries to the Administrative Coordinator, Ms. Merav Ben-Shushan Zach ([email protected]).

How to apply
Application type Online
Application Process: We aim to invite short-listed candidates to a campus visit, which will include a job talk, an interview, and informal meetings with department members. Applicants who are overseas may be asked to give a talk and meet with the department from afar. Applications must include: 1) A short cover letter. 2) An updated curriculum vitae, including list of publications. 3) A short research statement describing the candidate’s research goals for the coming years; please include a representative list of courses you would want to teach. 4) Teaching evaluations (if available). 5) Three/four letters of recommendations for Candidates hoping to be appointed to the rank of Lecturer. Candidates hoping to be appointed as Senior Lecturers will need four to five letters of recommendations and the rank of Associate Professor will require five to six letters, all as set forth on the University’s Recruitment Website. (Note that the academic rank to be granted to the candidate who fills this position will be decided on the basis of the candidate’s file, but is ultimately the purview of the University administration. Questions about the appropriate number of letters to send should be directed to the Department Chair.) 6) Two writing samples. Application deadline: 1 March 2024 Apply online through the University’s Recruitment Website: https://bguacademicrecruitment.force.com/Recruiters/VF_BGUPositions?Id=02i5I00000FAC0b We recommend opening an application file as soon as possible and entering the names of recommenders, to allow sufficient time to upload their letters before the deadline!
Web address to apply https://bguacademicrecruitment.force.com/Recruiter...
Hard deadline March 1, 2024, 11:59pm +02:00
Web address for more information https://bguacademicrecruitment.force.com/Recruiter...
Contact name Dr. Andy German
Contact email
Time created January 8, 2024, 4:16pm UTC
Scheduled expiry date March 1, 2024, 11:59pm +02:00
Expired on March 3, 2024, 12:46am +02:00
Last updated May 2, 2024, 3:00pm UTC
Last update notification
Extension of Deadline for AOS/AOC Open Position at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, in Be'er Sheva, Israel. Deadline for Applications has been extended to March 1 2024.
February 4, 2024, 7:36am UTC

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This position begins as of October 2024.
