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Open-rank position in Chinese philosophy (EXPIRED)

Philosophy Department, Wuhan University

Job category Faculty (open rank) / Tenure-track or similar
AOS Chinese Philosophy
AOS categories Asian Philosophy
AOC Open
Workload Full time
Vacancies 1
Location Wuhan, Hubei, China
Start date Fall 2018
Job description


This is an open-rank search for a specialist in the area of Chinese Philosophy. Teaching load is 2/2, and substantial research output is expected. Salary and benefits competitive.

Please be aware that this position will involve relocation to mainland China, and take this fact into account when deciding to apply.


Located in the city of Wuhan, Wuhan University is a top research university in mainland China (ranked 4th overall), with one of the top-ranked philosophy departments (ranked 3rd). Our large, international faculty is engaged in all areas of philosophical research, with schools dedicated to traditional Chinese philosophy, contemporary western philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, and Marxist philosophy. Please check out our website at www.whu.edu.cn/phi/

How to apply
Application type Email
Applications should include a CV, a sample of written work (no longer than 8,000 words), a cover letter describing your interest in Wuhan University, a teaching dossier, and 3-5 letters of recommendation. Fluency in Mandarin is required.
Email to apply
Hard deadline January 15, 2018, 6:59pm CST
Web address for more information http://www.whu.edu.cn/phi/
Contact name Matt Lutz
Contact email
Contact phone +86 155 2799 5326
Time created October 4, 2017, 9:31am UTC
Scheduled expiry date January 15, 2018, 6:59pm CST
Expired on January 16, 2018, 7:46pm CST
Last updated March 18, 2018, 3:00pm UTC
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Job Market Calendar This institution has confirmed that the position advertised will follow the APA's recommended job market calendar.