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7638 appointments found.

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Mengyao Yan has been appointed as Adjunct at Indiana University--Purdue University Columbus starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Value Theory.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: March 5, 2019
Peter Finocchiaro has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Wuhan University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame. AOS: Metaphysics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2019
Yale Weiss has been appointed at CUNY Graduate Center starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center. AOS: Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Metaphysics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 22, 2019
Christina Behme has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: February 19, 2019
Alicia Jaramillo has been appointed as Regular High School Faculty at Rice Memorial High School starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: February 15, 2019
Hope Sample has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at Grand Valley State University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Kant's Works, Metaphysics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 13, 2019
Allison (Massof) McCarthy has been appointed as Lecturer at Ohio State University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Biomedical Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 13, 2019
Christa Johnson has been appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor at Oberlin College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Moral Psychology, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: February 13, 2019
Juan Garcia has been appointed as Bellarmine Postdoctoral Fellow at Loyola Marymount University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: 17th/18th Century Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: February 13, 2019
Mark J. Boone has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: History of Western Philosophy, Epistemology.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 30, 2019
Heidi Chamberlin Giannini has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Houghton College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Applied Ethics, Early Modern Philosophy, Moral Psychology, Ethical Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 30, 2019
John Giannini has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Houghton College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 29, 2019
Matthew Wilson has been appointed as Associate Director at Harvard University (Human Flourishing Program) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics, Moral Psychology, Virtue Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 29, 2019
Jared Brandt has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Dallas Baptist University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Normative Ethics, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 29, 2019
Alina Beary has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Biola University (Torrey Honors Institute) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Moral Psychology, Virtue Ethics, Thomas Aquinas.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 29, 2019
Allison Krile Thornton has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of South Alabama starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Baylor University. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 29, 2019
Frances Maughan-Brown has been appointed as Assistant Professor at College of the Holy Cross starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Aesthetics, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 23, 2019
Hayyim Rothman has been appointed as Fulbright Post-doctoral Fellow at Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Normative Ethics, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: January 23, 2019
Zhuoyao (Peter) Li has been appointed as Assistant Professor at St. John's University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Asian Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 23, 2019
Tyler Viale has been appointed as Lecturer at Babson College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: 20th Century Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, European Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 23, 2019
Paul Van Rooy has been appointed as Lecturer at Boston College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Philosophy of Law, History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 23, 2019
Matthew Ray has been appointed as Information Systems Manager at Boston College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: January 23, 2019
Chris Winter has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Sydney starting in 2018. AOS: Applied Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 23, 2019
Jon K. Burmeister has been appointed as Assistant Professor at College of Mount Saint Vincent starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Boston College. AOS: Hegel, Nietzsche, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 23, 2019
Andrew Knoll has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Grand Valley State University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park. AOS: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 18, 2019
Logan Fletcher has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of the Pacific starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park. AOS: Epistemology, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mathematics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: January 18, 2019
Hugo Allan Matos has been appointed as Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas starting in 2018.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 15, 2019
Anne Sophie Spann, Née Meincke has been appointed as Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Exeter starting in 2018. Doctorate: Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München. AOS: Metaphysics, 20th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Biology, 17th/18th Century Philosophy, 19th Century Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: January 15, 2019
Catarina Dutilh Novaes has been appointed as Professor at VU University Amsterdam starting in 2018. Doctorate: institute for philosophy, Leiden University. AOS: Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Social Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 15, 2019
Daniel Tovar has been appointed as Instructor at Southern California College of Architecture (Architecture) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University. AOS: Ethics, Ancient Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Visiting    Posted: January 3, 2019
Morganna Lambeth has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Purdue University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University. AOS: History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: January 3, 2019
Cat Saint-Croix has been appointed as Post-doctoral Associate at the University of Minnesota starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: January 2, 2019
Sara Aronowitz has been appointed as Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: January 2, 2019
Patrick Shirreff has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Turku starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: January 2, 2019
Ian McCready-Flora has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 2, 2019
Zoe Johnson King has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California starting in 2018. Doctorate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 2, 2019
Kimberly Chuang has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: January 2, 2019
Allison Fritz has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Chadron State College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. AOS: Value Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: January 1, 2019
Jean Robert Bonenge has been appointed as Sacramanetal Care Chaplain and Part Time Instructor at Niagara University starting in 2018. Doctorate: School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: December 13, 2018
Andreas F. X. Wolkenstein has been appointed at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München starting in 2018. AOS: Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: December 11, 2018
Seamus Bradley has been appointed as Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of Leeds starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: December 10, 2018
Robert Gruber has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Springfield College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophyy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. AOS: Value Theory.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: December 5, 2018
Dennis Lehmkuhl has been appointed as Professor at Universität Bonn starting in 2018. Doctorate: Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University. AOS: Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: November 30, 2018
Wesley Dempster has been appointed at Western Governors University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of the Americas, Epistemology, Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 30, 2018
Lee-Ann Chae has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Temple University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 30, 2018
Myisha Cherry has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of California, Riverside starting in 2018. AOS: Moral Psychology, African-American Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, African/Africana Philosophy, Philosophy of Race.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 30, 2018
Daniele Chiffi has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano starting in 2018. AOS: Epistemology, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 27, 2018
Charlotte Newey has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Reading starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Reading. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Value Theory, Biomedical Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Political Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 27, 2018
Athol Williams has been appointed as Research Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch starting in 2018. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Literature, Business.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: November 27, 2018
Athol Williams has been appointed as Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Town (Graduate School of Business) starting in 2018. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Literature, Business.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: November 27, 2018
Katsunori Miyahara has been appointed as Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Wollongong (School of Humanities and Social Inquiry) starting in 2018. AOS: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Consciousness, Perception and Action, Perception and Phenomenology, Philosophy of Perception, General, Embodiment and Situated Cognition, Phenomenology and Consciousness, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: November 27, 2018
Nora Bettina Hangel has been appointed as Associate Research Fellow at Universität Konstanz (Zukunftskolleg) starting in 2018.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: November 27, 2018
Richard Kim has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Loyola University, Chicago starting in 2018.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: November 27, 2018
Robin McKenna has been appointed as Senior Lecturer at the University of Liverpool starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh. AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: November 27, 2018
Vanessa Guerrero has been appointed as Postgraduate Student at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Facultad De Derecho) starting in 2018.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: November 27, 2018
Jônadas Techio has been appointed at Universität Leipzig starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, 20th Century Philosophy, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: October 22, 2018
Andrea Pace Giannotta has been appointed as DAAD Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum starting in 2018. Doctorate: Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Firenze. AOS: Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology and Consciousness, Perception, Embodiment and Situated Cognition.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: October 22, 2018
John Holliday has been appointed as Lecturer at Stanford University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: October 22, 2018
Anastasia Piliavsky has been appointed as Senior Lecturer at King's College London (King's India Institute) starting in 2018.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: October 22, 2018
Anna Cook has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of the Fraser Valley starting in 2018.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 22, 2018
Roy Ben-Shai has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Sarah Lawrence College starting in 2018. AOS: 20th Century Philosophy, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 22, 2018
Colin Pears has been appointed as Director of Academic Support at Catholic University of America starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of America.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 15, 2018
Daniel Gutschke has been appointed as Visiting Lecturer at Christendom College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Catholic University of America.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: October 15, 2018
Kevin Kambo has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Hope College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of America.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 15, 2018
Gustavo Gonzalez Pacheco has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Universidad Panamericana Sede México starting in 2018.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 2, 2018
Rodrigo Borges has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Florida starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Epistemology.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: October 2, 2018
Ryan Feigenbaum has been appointed as Lecturer at History of Science Society At Notre Dame starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Villanova University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: September 28, 2018
David Grant has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Harvard University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AOS: Applied Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Technology.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: September 24, 2018
A. E. Jaques has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AOS: Philosophy of Action, Meta-Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: September 24, 2018
Susanna Rinard has been appointed as Associate Professor at Harvard University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 24, 2018
Jamal Lyksett has been appointed as Instructor at the University of Idaho starting in 2018. AOS: Continental Philosophy, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Jacques Derrida, Continental Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: September 24, 2018
Matthew Ratcliffe has been appointed as Professor at the University of York starting in 2018.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 24, 2018
Liam Kavanagh has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Villanova University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Villanova University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 20, 2018
Dominic Alford-Duguid has been appointed as Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at Oxford University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, St. George Campus. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Law.
Category: Junior/Fellowship    Posted: September 20, 2018
Joel David Hamkins has been appointed as Professor of Logic, Sir Peter Strawson Fellow at Oxford University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley. AOS: Mathematical Logic, The Infinite, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Set Theory, Philosophy of Mathematics, Hypercomputation, Theory of Computation, Modal Logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 20, 2018
Samuel Taylor has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Tuskegee University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Iowa.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 10, 2018
Henrik Thorén has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Helsinki (Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Lund University. AOS: Philosophy of Social Science, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Science, Misc.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: September 10, 2018
Baptiste Le Bihan has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Rennes 1. AOS: Metaphysics, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 10, 2018
T. J. Kasperbauer has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Indiana University (Center for Bioethics) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: September 10, 2018
Jessica Isserow has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Leeds starting in 2018. Doctorate: School of Philosophy, Australian National University. AOS: Meta-Ethics, Moral Psychology, Normative Ethics.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 10, 2018
Jenann Ismael has been appointed as Professor at Columbia University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Princeton University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Physical Science, General Philosophy of Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 10, 2018
Kimberly Ann Harris has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Marquette University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University. AOS: 19th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, African/Africana Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 10, 2018
Kirsten Walsh has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Exeter starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Otago.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 10, 2018
Maura Priest has been appointed as Associate Professor at Arizona State University starting in 2018. Doctorate: University of California, Irvine. AOS: Applied Ethics, Social Epistemology, Biomedical Ethics, Normative Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 10, 2018
Olivier Massin has been appointed as Professor at Université de Neuchâtel starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Université de Provence. AOS: Metaphysics, Axiology, Social Ontology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 10, 2018
Kevin Olbrys has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Bergen Community College starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, State University of New York, Albany. AOS: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: September 6, 2018
Kelsey Ward has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 30, 2018
Marc Champagne has been appointed at Kwantlen Polytechnic University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, York University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Semiotics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: August 29, 2018
Yuanfan Huang has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Shanghai JiaoTong University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. AOS: Epistemology, Metaphilosophy.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 29, 2018
Margaret Sequeira has been appointed as Adjunct at Virginia Commonwealth University starting in 2018. AOS: Philosophy of Religion, Specific Religions, Religious Topics, Philosophy of Religion, Miscellaneous, Feminist Philosophy, Religion and Society, Religious Diversity, Applied Ethics, International Ethics, Social Ethics.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: August 29, 2018
Kurt C. M. Mertel has been appointed as Assistant Professor at American University of Sharjah starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Northwestern University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 29, 2018
Elena Pagni has been appointed as Visiting Professor at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Florence. AOS: History of Western Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Perception and Phenomenology, Philosophy of Biology.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 29, 2018
Toby Meadows has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of California, Irvine starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Melbourne. AOS: Aesthetics, 20th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 29, 2018
Bethany Somma has been appointed as Post-doctoral Fellow at Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University.
Category: Senior/Fellowship    Posted: August 28, 2018
Michael Mburu has been appointed as Religious Appointment at Duquesne University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University.
Category: Senior/Other    Posted: August 28, 2018
Matt Lovett has been appointed as Visiting Lecturer at the University of Pittsburgh (Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program) starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: August 28, 2018
Minglai Dong has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Sichuan University, China starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University.
Category: Junior/Tenure-Track    Posted: August 28, 2018
Karim Barakat has been appointed as Lecturer at American University of Beirut starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Duquesne University. AOS: Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: August 28, 2018
Dale (DJ) Hobbs has been appointed as Lecturer at Marquette University starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Marquette University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: August 24, 2018
Matthew Peters has been appointed as Lecturer at Saint Joseph's University of Pennsylvania starting in 2018. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Marquette University.
Category: Junior/Other    Posted: August 24, 2018