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Appointments in Philosophy: Senior/Tenured

1676 appointments found.

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Ray Jackendoff has been appointed as Professor at Tufts University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current position: Professor at Brandeis University. AOS: Philosophy of Linguistics, Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: August 1, 2005
Josh Parsons has been appointed as Professor at the University of Otago starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Australian National University. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of California at Davis. AOS: Metaphysics, Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 29, 2005
Robert Gooding-Williams has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Chicago (Department of Political Science) starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Yale University. Current position: Professor at Northwestern University. AOS: African-American Philsophy, Political Thought, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 22, 2005
Thaddeus Metz has been appointed as Professor at the University of Witwatersrand starting in 2005. Doctorate: Sage School of Philosophy, Cornell University. Current position: Professor at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. AOS: The Meaning of Life, African Philosophy: Ethics, African Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 15, 2005
Kenneth F. Schaffner has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Columbia University. Current position: Univeristy Professor of Medical Humanities, Professor of Philosophy at George Washington University. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Medicine, Philosophy of Psychiatry.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 16, 2005
Scott Shapiro has been appointed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor starting in 2005. Current position: at Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. AOS: Philosophy of Law.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 15, 2005
Evan Thompson has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, St. George Campus. Current position: Canada Research Chair at York University, Toronto. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Asian Philosophy, Continental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 9, 2005
Helen Beebee has been appointed as Chair at the University of Birmingham starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, King's College London. Current position: Unknown at the University of Manchester.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 1, 2005
Sebastian Rodl has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Unknown at the University of Leipzig. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Kant, German Idealism.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 25, 2005
Victor Caston has been appointed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor starting in 2005. Current position: at the University of California at Davis. AOS: Ancient, Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 20, 2005
Terry Pinkard has been appointed as Associate Professor at Georgetown starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Chair at Northwestern University. AOS: Kant, Post-Kantian German Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 5, 2005
Kirk Sanders has been appointed at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign starting in 2005. Current position: Assistant Professor at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Ancient.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 3, 2005
Charles Travis has been appointed as Chair at King's College London starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, UCLA. Current position: Associate Professor at Northwestern University. AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 29, 2005
Robert Cummins has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign starting in 2005. Doctorate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Current position: Associate Professor at the University of California at Davis. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 29, 2005
Thomas Ricketts has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh starting in 2005. Doctorate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Current position: Associate Professor at Northwestern University. AOS: History of Analytic Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 22, 2005
Peter Millican has been appointed as Lecturer at Oxford starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds Department of Philosophy. Current position: at Leeds Metropolitan University. AOS: Hume.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 22, 2005
Niall Shanks has been appointed as Chair in History and Philosophy of Science at Wichita State University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta. Current position: Unknown at East Tennessee State University. AOS: Philosophy of Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 21, 2005
Heather Gert has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Brown University. Current position: Associate Professor at Texas A&M International University. AOS: Medical Ethics, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 18, 2005
Eric Margolis has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. Current position: Unknown at Rice University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 15, 2005
Colin McGinn has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Miami starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Professor at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Wittgenstein, Epistemology, Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 29, 2005
Hannes Leitgeb has been appointed as Reader at Bristol starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy (Humanities), University of Salzburg. Current position: at the University of Salzburg. AOS: Logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 28, 2005
Pauline Kleingeld has been appointed as Professor at Leiden University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis. AOS: Kant, Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 25, 2005
Peter Kail has been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Oxford starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Clare Hall, Cambridge University. Current position: at the University of Edinburgh. AOS: Hume, Berkeley, Nietzsche, Philosophyfo Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 22, 2005
Paul Horwich has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at New York University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Cornell University. Current position: Professor at CUNY. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 21, 2005
Michael Brady has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California at Santa Barbara. Current position: Lecturer at the University of Stirling. AOS: Ethics, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 7, 2005
Joseph Levine has been appointed at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst starting in 2005. Current position: at Ohio State University. AOS: Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 4, 2005
Bob Hale has been appointed as Chair at the University of Sheffield starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Chair at the University of Glasgow. AOS: Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 2, 2005
Michael Fara has been appointed at Princeton University starting in 2005. Current position: Assistant Professor at Cornell University. AOS: metaphysics, philosophical logic, philosophy of language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 2, 2005
Michae Otsuka has been appointed as Professor at the University of California, San Diego starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford. Current position: Professor at University College London. AOS: Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 2, 2005
Catherine Wilson has been appointed as Professor at City University of New York starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Princeton. Current position: Professor at the University of British Columbia. AOS: Early Modern, Moral Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 25, 2005
Ross Harrison has been appointed as Quain Chair in Jurisprudence at University College London starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Unknown. Current position: Reader at Cambridge. AOS: Political Philosopher, Historian of Moral and Political Thought.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 14, 2005
Gabriel Uzquiano has been appointed as Professor at Ohio State University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester. AOS: Metaphysics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: August 24, 2004
Michael Blake has been appointed at the University of Washington, Seattle starting in 2005. Current position: Assistant Professor at Harvard University. AOS: Political.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: August 2, 2004
William Demopoulos has been appointed as Professor at the University of California at Irvine starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario. Current position: Professor at the University of Western Ontario. AOS: Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, History of Analytic Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 9, 2004
Helen Longino has been appointed as Professor at Stanford University starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University. Current position: Professor at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. AOS: Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Feminist Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 1, 2004
Quassim Cassam has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at University College London starting in 2005. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford. AOS: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Kant.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 6, 2004
Jonathan Schaffer has been appointed as Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physical Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 30, 2019
Ken Kirkwood has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Western Ontario (Faculty of Health Sciences, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry) starting in 2004. AOS: Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Health Sciences.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 11, 2018
Wolfgang Rother has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Zürich starting in 2004. Doctorate: Institute of Philosophy, University of Zürich.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 7, 2018
Alan Carter has been appointed as Chair of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford. Current position: Professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder. AOS: Political Philosophy, Ethics, Environmental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Ralph Adolphs has been appointed as Professor at California Institute of Technology (Humanities and Social Sciences) starting in 2004. AOS: Brain Imaging and Localization, Representation in Neuroscience, Explanation in Neuroscience, Neurophilosophy, Consciousness and Neuroscience.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 31, 2018
Rafayel Seyranyan has been appointed as Professor at Northern Virginia Community College (Liberal Arts Division) starting in 2004. AOS: History of Western Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Lieven Decock has been appointed as Professor at VU University Amsterdam starting in 2004. Doctorate: Faculty of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. AOS: Metaphysics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Jiri Hoblik has been appointed as Associate Professor at J. E. Purkyne University starting in 2004.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Christopher H. Eliot has been appointed as Associate Professor at Hofstra University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Ecology and Conservation Biology, Environmental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 4, 2018
Matthew Tedesco has been appointed as Professor at Beloit College starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 26, 2018
Michael W. Austin has been appointed as Professor at Eastern Kentucky University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Boulder. AOS: Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: January 16, 2018
Roberta Millstein has been appointed as Asscoiate Professor (tenured) (2004-2006) at California State University, East Bay starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Philosophy of science, history and philosophy of biology, environmental ethics, medical ethics, logic.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 23, 2017
Luc Bovens has been appointed as Professor (2004-2017) at London School of Economics and Political Science starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 23, 2017
Jain Pragati has been appointed as Academic Instructor at Austrailia National University (Center for Educational Development & Academic Methods (CEDAM)) starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 7, 2016
Scott Gelfand has been appointed as Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park. AOS: Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 25, 2016
Saam Trivedi has been appointed as Associate Professor at Brooklyn College starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park. AOS: Aesthetics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 25, 2016
James Edward Haynes has been appointed as Associate Professor at Gallaudet University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland, College Park. AOS: Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 25, 2016
Richard Lachlan Corry has been appointed as Associate Lecturer at the University of Tasmania starting in 2004. AOS: metaphysics of science, particularly the place of time and causation in modern physics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 19, 2016
Steven Ravett Brown has been appointed as Web/Application Architect at the University of Rochester (Biochemistry & Biophysics) starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 18, 2016
Lorraine Florence Brundige Mayer has been appointed as Associate Professor and Chair at Brandon University (Native Studies) starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oregon.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 18, 2016
Joshua Shaw has been appointed as Associate Professor of Philosophy at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Indiana University, Bloomington. AOS: History of ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 6, 2016
Marc Moffett has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at El Paso starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Colorado, Boulder. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, Meta-Ethics, Metaphilosophy, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 4, 2016
Dennis Plaisted has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California at Santa Barbara. AOS: Applied Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Religion.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 14, 2015
Christine Freeman-Roth has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Trent University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo. AOS: Theories of Justice.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 2, 2015
Glenn McGee has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at Union College starting in 2004. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: October 14, 2004
Steven Shapin has been appointed as Chair in History of Science at Harvard starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania. Current position: Professor at the University of California, San Diego. AOS: History of Science, Sociology of Science.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 24, 2004
Knud Haakonssen has been appointed as Chair in Intellectual History at the University of Sussex starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. Current position: Professor at Boston University. AOS: History of Modern Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Legal Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: September 18, 2004
Sarah Sawyer has been appointed as Professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, King's College London. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas. AOS: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 30, 2004
Alan Hajek has been appointed as Professor at the Australian National University (Research School of Social Sciences) starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Princeton University. Current position: Professor at California Institute of Technology. AOS: Philosophy of Science, Decision Theory, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: July 20, 2004
John Doris has been appointed as Professor, Philosophy and Philosophy-Neuroscience-PsychologyAssociate at Washington University in St. Louis starting in 2004. Doctorate: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Current position: Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz. AOS: Empirical Psychology, Moral Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 28, 2004
Clare Alexandra Palmer has been appointed as Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis starting in 2004. Current position: at Lancaster University. AOS: Applied Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 24, 2004
Mark Rowlands has been appointed as Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at Exeter. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 21, 2004
John Caputo has been appointed at the University of Pennsylvania starting in 2004. Current position: at Villanova University. AOS: 20th-century Continental philosophy, esp. hermeneutics and deconstruction.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 8, 2004
Mark Heller has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at Syracuse University (Department of philosophy) starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of philosophy, Syracuse University. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at Southern Methodist University. AOS: Metaphysics and Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 28, 2004
Colin Allen has been appointed as Professor of the History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University, Bloomington starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, UCLA. Current position: Associate Professor at Texas A&M University. AOS: Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 28, 2004
Manfred Kuehn has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at Boston University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, McGill University. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at the University of Marburg. AOS: Kant.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 14, 2004
Paul Griffiths has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at Exeter starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Australian National University. Current position: Proffessor of the History and Philosophy of Science at Pittsburg State University. AOS: Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Psychology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 13, 2004
Noel Carroll has been appointed as Associate Professor at Temple University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Illinois at Chicago. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. AOS: Philosophy of Art.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 9, 2004
Charles Siewert has been appointed as Full Professor at the University of California at Riverside starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley. Current position: Associate Professor at the University of Miami. AOS: Philosophy of Mind.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 7, 2004
Anthony Gillies has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona. Current position: Associate Professor at Harvard University.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 19, 2004
Paul Franks has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Toronto starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Harvard University. Current position: Associate Professor at Notre Dame. AOS: Kant, German Idealism, Jewish Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 19, 2004
Rae Langton has been appointed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology starting in 2004. Current position: Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. AOS: Kant, feminist philosophy, moral and political philosophy, metaphysics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 19, 2004
Richard Holton has been appointed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology starting in 2004. Current position: at the University of Edinburgh. AOS: ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of action, philosophy of language, philosophy of law.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 19, 2004
Robin Jeshion has been appointed as Full Professor at the University of California at Riverside starting in 2004. Current position: at Yale University. AOS: philosophy of language and mind, epistemology, history of analytic philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 19, 2004
Harold Noonan has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Cambridge University. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophical Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 30, 2004
Bill Brewer has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick starting in 2004. Current position: at Oxford. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics and Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 30, 2004
Derrick Darby has been appointed as Associate Professor at Texas A&M University starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh. Current position: Assistant Professor at Northwestern University. AOS: Moral and Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 29, 2004
John Heil has been appointed as Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis starting in 2004. Doctorate: Vanderbilt University. Current position: Associate Professor at Davidson College. AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 23, 2004
Mark Timmons has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Arizona starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Nebraska at Kearney. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 22, 2004
Jason Stanley has been appointed as Associate Professor at Rutgers University - New Brunswick starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current position: Professor at Central Michigan University. AOS: Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Language, Social and Political Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 19, 2004
Shaun Nichols has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Utah starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University - New Brunswick. Current position: Associate Professor at Charleston Southern University. AOS: Experimental Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 18, 2004
Jeffrey King has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Southern California starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego. Current position: Assistant Professor at Davis & Elkins College. AOS: Philosophy of Language.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 9, 2004
Fraser MacBride has been appointed as Reader at the University of London starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, King's College London. Current position: Lecturer at the University of St. Andrews. AOS: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mathematics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: March 5, 2004
Thomas Holden has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Santa Barbara starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Current position: Assistant Professor at Syracuse University. AOS: Early Modern.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 29, 2004
Dan Kaufman has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Boulder starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Philosophyy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Current position: Assistant Professor at the University of Florida. AOS: Early Modern.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 24, 2004
Scott Soames has been appointed as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern California starting in 2004. Doctorate: Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Current position: Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. AOS: Philosophy of Language, History of Analytic Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 24, 2004
David Merli has been appointed as Tenured at Franklin and Marshall College starting in 2003. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, Ohio State University. AOS: Meta-Ethics.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: February 15, 2019
Scott Woodcock has been appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Victoria starting in 2003. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, St. George Campus. AOS: Value Theory.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 8, 2018
Andrew W. Hass has been appointed as Reader at the University of Stirling starting in 2003. AOS: Religious Topics, Misc, Aesthetic Concepts, German Idealism, Misc, Hermeneutics, Misc, Hegel: Works.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 1, 2018
Matthew Palombo has been appointed as Lecturer at Minneapolis Community and Technical College starting in 2003. Doctorate: Semitic Languages and Cultures, University of Johannesburg. AOS: Arabic and Islamic Philosophy, Religious Studies, War and Violence, African/Africana Philosophy, Teaching Philosophy.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: May 30, 2018
Jan Albert Van Laar has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen starting in 2003.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 20, 2018
Pierangelo Genta has been appointed as Professor at Università degli Studi di Milano (Neurophysiology Dept) starting in 2003.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: April 20, 2018
Peg O'Connor has been appointed as Associate Profesor of Women's Studies (tenured) (2003-2007) at Gustavus Adolphus College (Women's Studies Program) starting in 2003. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Feminist epistemology, Wittgenstein, moral philosophy, applied ethics, philosophy of addiction.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 23, 2017
Amy Hilden has been appointed as Associate Professor (tenured) at College of St. Catherine starting in 2003. Doctorate: Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota. AOS: Feminiist epistemology.
Category: Senior/Tenured    Posted: June 22, 2017