Postdocs and other limited-term teaching and research jobs
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12796 jobs in database
264 active jobs in 181 active listings Job seekers should be aware that ads for institutions and positions that do not comply with the APA's non-discrimination policy are not posted on PhilJobs: Jobs for Philosophers. |
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Educator
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Applied Ethics
Postdoctoral Research Associate l
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy, Economics or Law
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Researcher
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open, but epistemology, ethics, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of education, or philosophy of science preferred
AOC: Open
Instructor of Philosophy - 129440
(Contract type open)
AOS: ancient philosophy, environmental philosophy (including environmental ethics and philosophy of environmental science), philosophy of technology, and political philosophy.
AOC: Open
Faculty Research Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open, but epistemology, ethics, social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of education, or philosophy of science preferred
AOC: Open
4 year postdoctoral fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Director (Research Associate) – Saul Kripke Center
(Fixed term)
AOS: Knowledge of Kripke's contributions to Philosophy, Logic, and/or Mathematics.
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Applied Ethics
AOC: Applied Ethics
The McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society & The Institute for Human-Centered AI, Stanford University
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Priority to candidates with CS background
AOC: Priority to candidates with CS background
Teaching Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Research Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Philosophy of Law, Social Science, Humanities
Lab Manager
(Fixed term)
AOS: Experimental philosophy and/or experimental economics
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, History of Science
AOC: Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, History of Science
Clinical Lecturer
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Race, Humanities
AOC: Moral Philosophy
Research Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Continental Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy
AOC: Open
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: History of Western Philosophy and introductory-level Applied Ethics
Extending New Narratives in the History of Philosophy Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Philosophy
AOC: Open
Open Rank Tenure Track Faculty Position in Business Ethics
(Contract type open)
AOS: Business Ethics
AOC: Business Ethics
Post-Doctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: PPE (esp. formal modeling and/or experimental philosophy)
AOC: PPE (esp. formal modeling and/or experimental philosophy)
Assistant Professor, Clinician Educator Track, CHOP
(Fixed term)
AOS: Racial and intersectional microaggression prevention programming, race-based bullying, the impact of race-ethnicity based biases on children's development, and community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches to intervention development.
AOC: Open
Faculty Fellow/Visiting Research Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics; political and social philosophy; moral psychology, agency and responsibility; philosophy of law; political theory; or questions of moral choice in areas such as (but not restricted to) business, government, law, economics, public health and medicine.
AOC: Open
Two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Philosophy of Perception. Partial/full remote work is possible.
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Perception
AOC: Open
Findlay Visiting Professorship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Post-doctoral Scholar-in-Residence
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
2-3 year Postdoc
(Fixed term)
AOS: Political Philosophy
AOC: Open
Global Fellows in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Feminist philosophy, philosophy of gender, health care ethics, and/or ethics
AOC: Open
PPE Postdocoral Researcher
(Fixed term)
AOS: political philosophy, philosophy of social science
AOC: Open
Cowling Post-Doctoral Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of computing and/or AI ethics and/or philosophy of technology and/or philosophy of data science and/or data ethics
AOC: Open
Clinical Ethics Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Medical Ethics
AOC: Medical Ethics
Assistant or Associate Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: philosophy of race, Africana philosophy, Black feminist thought, social/political philosophy, and/or related areas
AOC: Open
Assistant / Associate Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Philosophical issues concerning race and/or gender broadly construed or philosophical thought engaging African, Asian, or Middle Eastern traditions.
AOC: Open
Visiting Instructional Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
MindCORE Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Scholars
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Applied Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology, and Modern Philosophy
Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow in the NYU Center for Bioethics*
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Lecturer in Philosophy (Social Philosophy)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Social Philosophy, or cognate fields
AOC: Political Philosophy, Critical Philosophy of Race/Gender/Class.
Lecturer in Philosophy (Bioethics)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Bioethics, or cognate fields
AOC: Medical Ethics, Health Law and Policy, or Environmental Ethics
Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Open Rank
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Faculty Chair (Humanities)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Comparative Philosophy
AOC: Open
Professor of the Practice
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of philosophy
AOC: History and philosophy of art
Visiting Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Science
AOC: History of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Science
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Science
AOC: History of Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Science
Postdoctoral Instructor in the Linde Center for Science, Society, and Policy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy
AOC: Open
Instructional Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Bersoff Faculty Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics or Social/Political focused on the ethics of computing and technology
AOC: Open
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: History of Modern Political Philosophy or Philosophy of Law/Constitutionalism
AOC: Open
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Science
AOC: Open
Embedded EthiCS Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: History of Philosophy/ Ethics
AOC: Open
Neukom Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: General
AOC: General
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Teaching Assistant Professor*
(Fixed term)
AOS: History and Philosophy of Science
AOC: History and Philosophy of Science
Postdoctoral Fellowship 2025-2026: Life/Story
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Religion and Politics
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Value theory, very broadly construed
AOC: Open
Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor (Substantive or Substantiable-track)
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Chinese political philosophy and philosophy of wellbeing
AOC: Chinese political philosophy and philosophy of wellbeing
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Modeling Interdisciplinary Inquiry
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellows in Ethics
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics
AOC: Open
Post Doc Research Associate of Philosophy AI
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Science, and/or Philosophy of AI, and/or Philosophy of Mathematics
AOC: Philosophy of Science, and/or Philosophy of AI, and/or Philosophy of Mathematics
Philosopher in Residence
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Post Doc Research Associate Medieval
(Fixed term)
AOS: Medieval Philosophy
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Science
AOC: Philosophy of Science
Assistant Professor of Professional Practice / Managing Director
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor
(Contract type open)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Research Fellowship
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open, but eligibility requires a project related to the theme of "providence and prayer"
AOC: Open
Visiting Faculty Position in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: social philosophy, value theory, and/or epistemology
AOC: social philosophy, value theory, and/or epistemology
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Moral and Political Economy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Lecturer in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Research Ethics and Regulation
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: clinical research ethics
2025-26 Mahindra Humanities Center Postdoctoral Fellowships
(Fixed term)
AOS: Topics may include humanistic approaches to climate change, biodiversity, social justice, environmental justice, food justice, regenerative practices, gardening, landscape, urban foraging, health, animal studies, and others.
AOC: Environmental Humanities
Hecht-Levi Postdoctoral Fellow
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Philosophy of Neuroscience
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Neuroscience or closely related area of Philosophy of Science
AOC: Philosophy of Neuroscience
Visiting Associate Instructor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics, Bioethics, and Introduction to Medical Humanities
AOC: Open
Visiting Associate Instructor
(Fixed term)
AOS: Bioethics
AOC: Open
(Fixed term)
AOS: Philosophy of Economics
AOC: Philosophy of Economics
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Ethics
Visiting Researcher
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: PPE (especially mathematical and experimental philosophy)
AOC: Open
Visiting Professor
(Fixed term)
AOS: History and/or Philosophy of Cognitive Science and/or Neuroscience
AOC: Open
Harold T. Shapiro Postdoctoral Research Associate in Bioethics
(Fixed term)
AOS: Bioethics
AOC: Bioethics
Postdoctoral Teaching Associate
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: social/political philosophy and philosophy of law is strongly preferred, theory and/or history of ethics is also desired
Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy (History focus)
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Ethics, Applied Ethics, esp. Healthcare Ethics or similar
AOC: Ethics, Applied Ethics, esp. Healthcare Ethics or similar
Post-doctoral fellow in AI Ethics
(Fixed term)
AOS: Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Technology Ethics, Philosophy of Technology
AOC: Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Ancient Greek philosophy
Lecturer in Philosophy/College of Liberal Arts
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy (AI focus)
(Fixed term)
AOS: AI, technology, and/or science
AOC: Open
Postdoctoral Fellowship-(Teaching) Ethics and Technology
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open
10-Month Limited-Term Appointment in Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: AOS: Ethics/Public Policy
AOC: History of Philosophy, Critical Thinking/Informal Logic
Visiting Assistant Professor - Philosophy
(Fixed term)
AOS: Open
AOC: Open